From BarCampGR
- Carlus: How has this worked in the past?
- Kyle & Dave: Varies from sponsor to sponsor; some purchase specific supplies for us while others just make a flat donation. Sponsorships typically range from $200 to $500.
- Kyle: Will make a sponsor packet to help explain BarCamp.
- All: Follow-up with contacts at various potential sponsorers.
- All: The main things we need sponsorship: swag and Friday night social.
- Casey: Has connection to Subway, may be able to get discount.
- Casey: Also knows where we can get whiteboards contributed; may even be able to get trucks to deliver.
- Dave: First step is to setup the registration form.
- All: Word of mouth to various user groups using e-mails from BarCampGrandRapids3Marketing.
- Casey: He'll cover badges
- Kyle: Follow up with Campus Events to check on signage for the actual conference.
Next Meeting
- After registration form is up
- In about 2 weeks
- Doodle poll
Action Items
- All: Follow up with potential sponsors, begin thinking about marketing channels
- Kyle: Create sponsor packet and check with Campus Events on signage
- Dave: Setup registration form